Originally Posted By: jazzmammal

I've brought this up a few times going back 8 years or so. I don't have the answer either because it's very difficult. Someway, somehow Biab needs to create styles for the current, as in RIGHT NOW, era. But how do you create a style for Uptown Funk? Or Drake? Or Galantis? And does anybody here even have a clue who I'm talking about? Hello...Is this thing on??

Here's a list of the Top 40 songs of 2015:


Absolutely NOBODY on this forum has heard of any of these. Absolutely NOBODY on this forum cares either. Yeah I know, there might be one or two of you.

Biab needs to shift direction but how? If they did focus on these modern tunes and artists who would they sell it to? Would I care about that? No. Would all the 60+ year old country pickers? Heck no!

To bring this back around to the GUI, most of the old guys here are fine with it because they know it and are familiar with it. And, the number one biggest thing to old people is THEY DON'T LIKE CHANGE.

I'm a long time marketing guy and that's the problem going forward. The current stuff is great now, we all love most of it but give it another 10 years...


Bob, I will respectfully disagree with a couple of comments made here.

It doesn't matter if we have heard of those people or groups but it is important to know that others love them and want to imitate them. I for one would welcome them to the forums and listen to some of their music. BiaB users have already increased my music knowledge and enjoyment by their songs posted here. Even if I don't care for some at least I get exposed to them.

BiaB does not, IMHO, need to shift direction but it should include all genres of music, if possible, in both MIDI and RTs. As a fellow old timer we remember when BiaB was all jazz but as you stated country now is the most popular genre posted. If BiaB had not include country styles these musicians would not be posting today and PGMusic would not have sold their products to them. A win-win all around.

I am 70 so I think that I can be classified as an old timer here and I have no problem with change. I learned the new GUI in Sonar and thanks to you I have learned to use the portions of RB when I want to make certain changes to a BiaB file. I am also learning the wind controller and some keyboard. All of these and more can be challenging to an old simple guitarist like me but I accept those challenges.

Also BiaB has incorporated some change when they introduced super MIDI tracks and Sampletank. Now users are asking about MIDI channel selection and how to incorporate other VSTis in their music. PGMusic has responded with jBridge. Questions like these were never asked when BiaB was only GM.
I haven't even mentioned RTs and RDs!

The GUI does need changing. Menus should be revamped. For instance why two print menus?

I agree with you that slick alone is useless but slick with substance works. BiaB has the substance so adding slick would improve the product IMHO.


My goal this weekend is to move just enough each day so that no one pokes me to see if I'm dead or not.

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware