I thought I had posted a thank you to Matt Finley for his suggestion on how to change the font size on 2016 but I must have got in a hurry and didn't press post. So here again I want to say thank you so much, Matt. It worked beautifully and now I can see to work on my music again! For 20 years I have been using BIAB and loving every minute and every upgrade, then in January I had added 2016 to my collection but my aging eyesight had made it nearly impossible to work on 2016 (as downloaded) until you came up with the solution which I had overlooked. I guess I will have to start printing out the manual as I can't hold the instructions in my mind long enough to return to BAIB and implement them. But I did want you to know how much I appreciated that you took time to "clue" me in on this procedure. Val Zudell