Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
A wise variation on that old saw about the unsolvable engine problem where they finally call in the expert. He makes one tap of the hammer which fixes it and presents his bill for $10,000. They complain, "All you did is one little tap of the hammer!" and he says, "Yes, but I knew where to tap".

A similar yarn about a banker who locked himself out of the vault. He called a locksmith, who, after a few moments of looking & studying the door, gave it an mighty hit with a sledge hammer, and the vault door swung open.

He presented the banker with a bill for $500.00.

"$500.00 for 5 minutes work, that's ridiculous!" sai the banker, "Give me an itiemised account."
The locksmith handed over an invoice, which read:

Hitting the vault door with sledge hammer..................... $10.00
Knowing where to hit the vault door with sledge hammer.....$490.00
