Thanks heaps for the great feedback.

The reason why I would like to be able to change key, is that my voice is quite deep, and truthfully, not all that suited to Country - plus, it's hard to hide my Aussie accent. So, how I've done things in the past is to do an initial demo in a key that I can sing, and if it sounds good to that point, go to the next step and pay a professional singer to do a better quality demo. The professional singer, whether male or female, will usually ask for it to be a couple of tones higher.

I'll try the multiriff idea, and vary the chords - together with cutting and pasting sections into another track. I guess too, that if I put a chord variation on each beat, and maybe nudge the chords a little here and there, I might be able to help things get pretty close to the rythm and timing required. Should be fun trying to figure it out anyway.

If you're interested, my music is at:

One of the songs there "Still Blow my Mind" has the type of riff and guitar sound I'm aiming for.That's also my voice on that one.
