Hey, Bob, I just noticed you had posted above . . . a week ago. Thank you, and my humblest apologies for not getting back any sooner.

I have the complete 2017, and I believe it is the UltraPak although I got everything possible in that upgrade. Obviously I was initially overwhelmed at all that I needed to learn and all that I didn't know.

And yes, you're right, I have been living in MIDI land for 17 years or so now, and felt I was making some progress in that area.

But if you listen to the last two or three tunes I've done (click link below), you'll see that I have now embraced the Real Tracks and really do see the value in them.

I have not watched all of the tutorials, and will likely not have the time to sit down and absorb them until this coming weekend (no New Year's gig this year, hooray!).

I had rotator cuff surgery on 9/28 and was unable to play my horn for a good two months, which is when I pretty much went berserk writing tunes and "recording" them with midi tracks in ProTools.

You may notice that the last tune I did now has trumpet in there, as I am finally able to play again, although not yet at 100%, whatever that is.

So, the past two days I have been going back through those tunes and trying to make Real Tracks backings for all of them so I can re-record them and put the trumpet in there.

One problem I'm having with that is that many of those were done using BIAB 2005, and I made "hybrid" rhythm tracks with the bass from one feel, the drums from another, piano or guitar from yet another, and so forth. I'm having trouble figuring out how to achieve the same feel since I didn't write down any of those combinations. So I'll just opt for something a little different and hope they come out sounding good.

But again, thank you for your reply, and for all the great help I've gotten around here. You guys are amazing!!!