Cakewalk's Music Creator (MC) comes with TTS which really isn't a big improvement over what you have. I wouldn't buy MC for TTS. I would however, buy MC for Sound Center.

MC has the Cakewalk Sound Center (CSC) which is a sample synth and Cakewalk sells a number of add on sound libraries for $20 or so each. In addition it has other sound... bass, keys, pads and guitar synths in it. I've never used them so I can't say much from a personal experience thing.... but others use them in the Cakewalk forums and they do sound good.

CSC sounds really nice for the price. I have it and use it a lot for bass and piano when I need to do a custom midi part using a synth.

Another synth to consider is Native Instruments Kontakt. This one is more expensive but well worth every dollar. It also is a sampler and has a complete orchestra as well as a number of other things in it. If you can afford it, the NI Komplete set is an entire group of high quality synths. Pads, strings, sounds, instruments, drums, and more. Kontakt also has the distinction of being a professional quality synth. You can use it for TV & Film as well as Gaming scores. In addition, it has a very large and decent 3rd party aftermarket group of vendors who make unique sound libraries for it. I've picked up and used a few of these and they are awesome. Very realistic sounds all the way around with Kontakt.

Another option is the East/West libraries. Very high quality stuff, but not cheap. Again, worth every dollar. I also have one of the E/W library synths.

Those are my 3 recommendations and I own and use all 3.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.