This is kind of an old problem, but it was slightly easier to deal with before. I'm hoping there's an easy solution someone knows.

When I work with a song that was created with a style that used old MIDI tracks and try to convert it to real styles, what I find is when I start the song from a fresh start of the application, the tracks that were converted will be mute. I go to the Mixer and under plug-ins, I will see the synthesizer (was Sampletank, now Sforzando)listed (*in green, by the way). In versions prior to 2017 I could click it and it would reset itself to the proper real style I had selected and play normally. Now it seems a little more random, and I have to do more 'playing around' to get it reset. Fixing it and re-saving it doesn't help. The Sforzando player is set as my default dxi for the tracks I still have that are MIDI. Is there a way I can resolve this without re-entering the whole song from scratch? Thanks!