Wow! That's really an incredible story. A life-changer for him!

I have what is generally the loss most folks have, in the middle frequencies. It's a dipping bell curve. For example, pre-aides, I'd never had to ask a guy to repeat what he said (low), but young women (high) could stand right in front of me in a whisper-quiet office environment and I couldn't understand a syllable, repeated many times. Now I hear them crisply, but don't know what they are really saying, young or old.

I limped along for years, then 2 years ago bit the bullet. I could NOT believe what I had been missing, especially singing. It was like the first time I got glasses. I had no idea anyone could see that far. Modern aides are pretty spendy, lots of adjustments can be made by the doc, so they are dialed in as well as can expected, I control them with a smartphone app. And they are hidden behind the ear, one even knows I wear them.

In reality, they are really just microphones and speakers. Just really complex, micro-circuity equipment. But we all know that mics/speakers have limitations in the real world. I don't really need to wear them all the time, though I do. But I can't cover them with ear cups or they feedback. But, even the 12 cent headphones I use now are pretty awesome for me. I am looking forward to getting the new sets to do the Pepsi challenge with.

Thanks, again, to all of you guys.


BIAB 2017 Ultra
Windows 8 and 10
Scarlet 18i8
Reaper and Mixpad