Maybe I, unintentionally, gave the impression that I feel that's the majority of people. I don't think that. smile

I probably get pitched 15-30 demos a week from people. Of that, I would say maybe 20% are pro, or close. That means 80% of them are not.

Of the non-pros, most are very gracious. Some are looking for suggestions, some are not. They are simply pitching and thankful for a listen.

Then there is the not so silent minority of (guessing) 3-5 people who feel the need to flat our tell me "I'm wrong, or don't know what I'm talking about...I'm going to make it big, Walt Disney...blah, blah, blah. You don't know what you just passed up!" kind of responses.

Here is the thing. If I'm not interested I simply write back. "You've obviously put work into this and I thank you for considering me. It's flattering to be honest! Be determined and be willing to improve where you can...that combination is hard to beat. If there is anything I can do to help, feel free to ask. Best of luck to you. We are all in this together! "

I'm thinking of leaving the "If there is anything..." that seems to spark the questions of what they could do differently.

The reason I'm bringing any of this up is, it seems (for me) to have worsened with the increase of internet and social media usage.

Perhaps it's just more people can do things easier, so they do. But opinions via email, or anything electronic don't seem to be in short supply wink

I hope that states me position a bit more. Combine that over 20 plus years of doing this, and maybe I'm way off base.

On the flip side of that coin, it's also opened up the doors to some incredible talent for me. So don't think I'm all "it's the worst thing ever!" Not by a LONG shot.

"Ya take the good, you take the bad..."

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.