
I have RB 2017 build 3 and I run it on Windows 7 (64 bit). I just tried creating harmony with TC Helicon and it worked fine for me.

What I suggest is that you slip back into BIAB for a moment and work through the tutorial on creating harmonies that's found under the Help. I think that this will give you a better sense of how the harmoniser works.

The tutorial is #14 and found under "Help | Help Topics | Tutorials". It uses a file called "Listen.MGU that's found via the following path...

x:\bb\Tutorial - Audio Harmonies

...where x: is the drive you have the \bb directory on. Listen.MGU has an audio file attached and the tutorial takes the user through adding harmonies to this file.

When you open the file, I suggest that you immediate save it with a new name so that you don't accidentally overwrite the tutorial mgu file during the course of practising: maybe something like "listen_test.mgu".

Once you have the harmonies working in BIAB, open the file Listen.MGU in RB and apply the knowledge gained.

This was how I learnt how to use TC Helicon and it was well worth spending 20 minutes on the tutorial.


Audiophile BIAB 2024