I am having a similar "Error in chord" problem when I try to enter sus chords with Build 438 of BB Windows version 2016 :

There are two bugs that seem independent:

If: Options>Preferences>Display> 'Display 2 as sus2' box is checked, then: the Chord Builder will pop up an error message "Error in chord C2" when C2 is selected.


If: Options>Preferences>Display> 'Display sus as sus4' box is checked, then: the Chord Builder will pop up an error message "Error in chord Csus" when Csus is selected.

Unchecking these boxes in the Display Preferences dialog is a work-around for both problems.

Maybe this can be addressed in an update?



Originally Posted By: bfe
Yes, Kent the "Display 'sus' as 'sus4'" is checked. So is Display 2 as sus2.

I will maybe try and uncheck those. That might work! For now what happens in summary is:
typing csus = nothing
typing c2 = nothing
typing csus2 = nothing maybe not supposed to anyway.
typing cadd2 works
typing c4 works and displays c4
typing cadd9 works
typing c7sus works

So... I can get the chords, just a little differently and Chord Builder displays "error in chord csus and c2' when checked. I can live with this. My brain just thinks csus and it likes that...c4 is a little faster to type. I end up having to explain c4 as a chord to folks sometimes. (Plus, I carried the other C4 in the USMC so it looks all wrong... smile

Cheers and thanks amigo!

UPDATE: I unchecked the boxes, Kent...seems like it's back the way I remember things...I CAN type csus now and see that entered and displayed in the chart...maybe a gremlin got in here the other night when the window was open.