
For all the "issues" that you describe, I was expecting...who knows....

This is really nice!

A beautifully written song. And a gorgeous vocal. Courtney does, indeed, nail that...

Your mix is quite good. Certainly not lacking in volume (as I listen - compared to the level I listen to others)... a hair lower, maybe, but not much. The panning, too, seems good. Good levels on the drums, bass and piano. And strings when they come in. The vocal is very well mixed (and processed - did you get that dry?)

I would suggest that the Showcase is the wrong place if you want a "lively" discussion about mixing and panning. There are many of the forum folks - with a wide range of experience - that do not pay much attention to the Showcase.

If you start a thread in the "Recording, Mixing, Performance and Production" with an appropriate title ("Mixing and Panning Help?" - something like that...) - I'm sure you would get a wild ride of a discussion...for that matter, you might want to start two different threads - one on mixing, one on panning (there have not been a lot of threads dedicated to panning).

It would help to know what DAW you are using (mention that in the new thread). At first glance, it seems like your output volume is simple set too low (as you listen on your system) - perhaps there is a setting you are overlooking (those with the same DAW could address that)... And link to the song! (or this thread) so folks have a reference (AND get to hear this!)

This is a terrific listen. I hope we get to hear much more!
