Originally Posted By: fabkebab
I think the lyrics for this are top drawer - very good and I wish i had written them. What a great chorus.

I liked the melody too , but I must be honest I didnt like the arrangements - The introduction and dropping of instruments somehow sounded a bit unnatural to me - I think you absolutely have the right instinct to have little moments thoughtout the song - but they just didnt seem quite authentic to my ears. My thought would be to work on the arrangement.

I actually wonder if it wouldnt be nicer in an arrangement with just your voice(s) and a single guitar - there is a power in your lyric which would stand up to a more bare-bones production

Anyway I hope that is useful feedback!

I appreciate your listen and thoughtful comments- yes, I find them useful!
I played this song with just guitar & harp for years, so I tried that simple arrangement on first recording with BiaB... and then thought " not enough fun!" and decided to try and rock out just a little.The syncopation of this "Southern" rock style took a fair bit of practice to get right for the vocals and I`m quite pleased with the result.
I get what you`re saying about the changes in instrumentation through the song and I might revisit some of the fade-in/outs in any future version.
