Just copy the RealTracks that you want to use to the SSD including the Library folder that contain the Shots n Holds.
Loops folder if you use them
The Direct Input folder, just copy the RealTrack in it that you want to use.
If you want to use only non Direct Input track then don't copy the Direct Input folder.

Data folder you can simlink to your main drive http://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=393833#Post393833

The Drums folder just copy the drums you will use.

But as VT suggested if you can have a larger drive will save a lot of hassles.

When you are done set the new paths for RT RD and do a rebuild/fix in the picker windows.

"Trouble is, my Tablet won't allow a larger drive. So a +1 from me for some kind of template. "

Is that running on the main SSD or eMMC, can you get a fast SD card or Micro SDXC to put in the tablet like 128G or 256G ???

A Windows 10 ASUS Tablet I think you have ?? not sure what model ??
Have a look for BIOS updates to give bigger than 128GB SSD or eMMC internal drive, if it's eMMC you need to check if it's soldered or socket-ed.

EDIT: Somewhere else you say you have a ACER W700 if so http://community.acer.com/t5/2013-Archives/W700-ssd-replacement/td-p/9415

Last edited by Pipeline; 02/27/17 04:45 PM.