Originally Posted By: Pat Marr

I want to be you when I grow up! Listening to that was so much fun! I envy the talent you have spreading out in so many different directions! I dare say there aren't too many here who could play all the instruments and sing all the parts and make it sound as good as you can!

50 years ago that song might have made you a rich man! But I think that music has enriched your life in ways that mere money could not. And I respect your decision to use your talents to help others enjoy music.. both as listeners and as performers.

You truly are the MUSIC PROF!

Hi Pat. Thanks so much for all the nice comments.
I've certainly had a lot of fun from music over the years and I can't remember a single day when I was bored. It's hard to believe that after all this time there's still so much to learn, but I think that what we have learnt, we owe it to the kids to pass it on. There's so much of it which you just can't learn from books.
Thanks again, ROG.