You are correct. In real dollars, the compensation has actually declined over time. When you factor inflation, it's a mighty grim picture for musicians. Anyone playing today is playing for less than those of us who were gigging 30 years ago. Compare the price of gas, motel rooms, vehicles, gear, meals, and living expenses back then to now. Everything has risen but the wages for a band remain the same essentially. We could book motel rooms for $25 a night or $35 at the Holiday Inn.... try to find decent room now for under $90. You could hit a nice restaurant and get a decent (not fast food) meal for around or under $5. That same meal today is closer to $20 if not more.

Who's to blame? The clubs for exploiting the bands? The musicians themselves for undercutting each other and undervaluing their music? The perception of the people for thinking music is supposed to be cheap or free and not being willing to pay to see live bands? Solo guys with backing tracks on a computer who will work cheaper than a 4 piece band?

or.... all of the above?

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.