Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
So Bud, if you were getting paid that amount in the 60's, I would think that had to be pretty great pay at that time?

In 1965 - 1966 if you had a van with your band name on the side in "fancy" letters, some friend who was a roadie wannabe, and some sharp clothes, maybe some glittery Kustom amps and a shiny Farfisa organ then you were rock stars -- really. Oh and make sure you had a raised drum stand smile Ours was 2x4's, plywood and wingnuts for quick assembly. Rent a gym in a small town, pay the DJ a percent of the door to play your 45 for a week before and the kids poured in...$500-700 after expenses was common. But for frats and clubs $300 was about all we could ever get. But you are right that money went a LOT further. I'd go by the bank on Friday, withdraw $20 and have money left over after the weekend. Gas was 30 cents a gallon, etc. Had it not been for the draft I would have dropped out of college in a heartbeat and made all the $ I could. A friend and I rented a recording studio in block times and recorded small bands for a set price. We offered them all the studio time it took to get an A and a B side and 500 45's to take with them. I forget exactly what we charged but we made a good bit doing that. Who knows, had I been able to stay on that journey it would likely have been a heckuva lot more interesting than 35 years in the hospital admin business -- on the other hand I have a retirement income smile