I’ve found a couple products that demo so well for the companies, did the trial, with no such “joy in Mudville.” And I had turned little knobs to carpal tunnel fears! But some products do certain registers beautifully, then go schizoid around F4 or whatever: twang. I’ll keep going on about the warts until you all hang yourselves, so will spare you the whole list of grievous experiences, like the notes that are really loud in their program, though equal velocity. And again, you may not believe it, but I’m not being sensitive. Listen to a piano, then listen to the computer output to that sliced bread VSTi demo of the product you just downloaded to try, use the best stereo on earth if you want (you can hear it’s junk on a builtin laptop speaker, though): they don’t sound close. All I’m talking about is lay ears fooled, as opposed to movie sound engineer, or nearly fooled, in the main being able to say, “That sounds like a piano” on all the keys, and not spending hours turning little knobs for a long list of things that don’t exist in notation. Or put it this way, can nobody come up with, say, a preset that makes it sound like a real instrument, then? Why do you have to start with a grind organ and fiddle around? I don’t build my own piano, either.

Thank you loads for your help and forwarding information. Bless you! In the end, I’d just like somebody to, at least, say, “You’re right. That is, screwed.” Or maybe there is something out of the box, that doesn’t require terabytes of East West add-ons and a supercomputer?

By the way, you have good taste, that is, Roland. Not as much an electronic person, Roland has always seemed the cream of the crop, and there is a Roland I think it’s called 1080 sampled product that’s superior to others in one of my programs. They have a nice set of sounds for utility purposes, as you mention. But the software product is, alas, a ways from an acoustic piano.