I don't use Band in a Box to gig but maybe some of you do and I think this could help you guys out. The idea I have in mind is to have a "setlist" like feature. So, with "setlist", you would be able to pick the songs in the order that you want to play them and the number of songs and have them loaded before you go to your gig, or open mic night, and to the order of the sheet music: unlike the jukebox where it randomly selects the tracks for you. What makes this an even better option is thart if you are performing the same setlist, is that if you decide to preforme the same setlist, but you now preform as a duo or trio you can just mute the Real Tracks you would normaly use as a soloist, and you if you have more than one style of the same song, you could even rearrange your setlist with different types of backings of the same song on the fly. So, if you normally preform Brown Eyed Girl as a rock song, and have to do it as a reggae tune, all you would need to do is add your reggae version into the setlist and you're good to go.

So, what do you think? Would this be something you guys would like to see?

Computer: Macbook Pro, 16 inch 2021
DAWs: Pro Tools, Logic, and Maschine
plays drums, percussion, bass, steel pan, keyboard,
music producer/engineer