My wife is being evaluated for this very same thing. She has been diagnosed with SVT, Supra Ventricular Tacicardia.
They are doing more evaluations on her diagnoses to confirm that is exactly what it is and if so, the most likely remedy is the ablation procedure.
Apparently they go up a main artery in the groin area and electro/lazer zap a small area heart tissue. In her case this is to get the inlet and outlet of the heart into the proper timing. What happens to her is either the heart is able to pump out blood faster than it refills or vice-versa. When this happens, at random the heart starts beating rapidly, although not deeply. Then she becomes extremely fatigued.
They tell us that these surgeries are very successful at solving the problem with no long term medications needed afterword. But, approximately 1/100 need a pace maker installed after the surgery. I take that as meaning the surgery did not work and the remedy for the failed surgery is install a pace maker.
Fortunately we live near movie star land (Coachella Valley,CA) where many of the best doctors in the world come to capitalize on the wealth.

Please add Luana to your prayer list.

Cecil, what is your wife's name?

Last edited by Tobias; 04/04/17 07:12 PM.

Does the noise in your head bother me ?