Originally Posted By: Icelander
Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
Yes, and it also depends on whether you just used a keyboard or a wind controller to create the MIDI sax sound.
And before someone notes "He's thinking classical, like Mozart, Beethoven et al", then I'll just observe that the same very much applies to oboes!

I actually have a strong feeling that this whole idea came about because the OP was simply looking for ideas on what are decent VTSi choices for classical music - but why he didn't just ask that question in a post, instead of this poorly thought out "competition"...I don't know smirk

At any rate, this "for fun" thread seems to have gone quite sour pretty fast.

No, I was not asking for virtual instruments for classical music, but that is someone I would like, if I have the time and money to put the effort into using them. I just wanted see what people could do with their virtual instruments.

Computer: Macbook Pro, 16 inch 2021
DAWs: Pro Tools, Logic, and Maschine
plays drums, percussion, bass, steel pan, keyboard,
music producer/engineer