Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Mr Gruve we think you certainly met your objectives and then some. A few random thoughts:

"Vocal flaws" is not a phrase we would ever associate with your singing. Earthy and heatrfelt does come to mind.

The electric guitar is a great complement to your vocal and the entire production. Gotta wonder why you would put that away for years. Keep it coming!

"The melody wrote itself" Well, it did a fine job of it.

"especially the lazy words like “and”, “but” and the worst offender “just”. Amen. I've learned a bit about that over the last few years and, yet, I still fall into it.

If you like Neutrino you will love Neutron with it's amazing presets for all instruments and it's "masking meter" that literally shows you where tracks are sonically competing with one another.

Finally, we think floyd pretty much nailed everything that is so good about this production. It's one of those productions where for us it's hard to parse things out to comment on. Why, because it's so cohesive that you just want to kick back and, well, listen to the song in it's totality.


You are both so generous and your comments always bring a smile to my face. What I didn't expect was a Neutrino laugh! lol! wink

Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Wow! Gotta love this! Cool voice, well played and produced...just all the way around really great song. Thanks for sharing this. It's impressive to say the least!
Thanks so very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.