Originally Posted By: floyd jane

Well done! You captured that sound perfectly. It actually brought Gene Watson to mind for me... true classic Country...

Your vocal is perfect for this...

Nice mix. That guitar solo works!

Great title! (Country as all get-out)

"If it’s true time mends a broken heart
I guess I just forgot
To change the page on my calendar
Or wind all my clocks"

Such an opening! Again, truly classic...

"A Battle waged by a heart in full retreat". Nice...


Hi Floyd,

Thank you so very much for all of that! And we think you're right - Gene Watson would have been great for this one. I changed that first verse just twenty minutes before I recorded it. It's totally different than what we originally wrote. I guess it was a good idea! That was the best way I could think of to have the subject of the song refuse to move on.

Di and I are more than humbled by your kind words. Wishing you the very best.

Alan & Di

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