Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
Great song Al. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and Di.

It has been really nice having you back active here on the forum lately. One thing your recent activity and having the opportunity to hear several posts of your original songs back to back shows me; you are a more than competent songwriter. Every submission has been quality material both in melody and lyrics.

I'm a big fan and have great respect for your abilities.



You are much too kind. But it's very rewarding to know you enjoy my/our work that much. Songwriting comes relatively easy for me - I write novels, too (5 so far and four in progress), so words befriend me more than I deserve. However, I am not a natural singer. I have work very, very hard on the vocals. I'm just not gifted as a singer. Di, on the other hand, only has to open her mouth and angelic beauty falls from between her lips.

I miss being able to play the guitar like I used - the chemo really messed up my left hand. But it's slowly getting better. The ability to play guitar has always been my best talent.

I have several more songs waiting to be posted but don't want to hog the board. I try to allow at least 5 days between song postings. The chemo allowed me a lot of time for writing, so I took advantage of that particular gift.

Thank you so very much for all those kind words. The make an old guy's heart feel pretty danged good! Wishing you a great weekend.

Alan (Di, too)

Last edited by Al-David; 06/10/17 05:10 AM.

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