I've seen the reboot of $100,000 Pyramid. I could see this happening...

Host-"and you picked the category "For Pete or Peter's sake"

Clue giver-"Average. Too wordy. Not catchy. Poor sense of tension and release. No sense of writing. "

Contestant-"Things you wouldn't say about a Floyd Jane song"

Host-"Correct! What an easy one! Should we just hand you the cash now? (laughter from the
audience) And what category would you like next?"

Contestant-"I'll take 'Too good to be famous'"

Clue Giver-"Amazing! Chills! Feeling! Voice of an ang..."

Contestant-"Things we all think of Janice Merrit's voice!"

$100,000 WINNER!!!!!!!!

Ok, that wasn't exactly constructive, but all I could do at this point is repeat what others have said. It's obviously a well written, performed, and produced song...again;)

Would you ever consider just throwing a real clunker on here so the rest of us feel better about ourselves? smile

Last edited by HearToLearn; 06/29/17 06:11 AM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.