Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle

Personally, I believe you should feel flattered.
Well, quite. I was (hopefully) obviously always going to lean that way than actually get offended, cmon! grin
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
..At that time there were no Autoharp RealTracks so I was able to fill a gap in their product line. PG Music must have liked my UserTracks because they released some Autoharp RealTracks. So I'm flattered PG Music noticed.
That's certainly one way at looking at it. And I actually remember Master Gannon himself placing a favourable comment on one of my Tango UT posts, so I know for a fact that they noticed. That whole "filling the gap" was also what I've been aiming for with my UT's, sure, which, as I say, is why I wasn't really that surprised we'd get those proper tango accordions at some point (especially after Cory joined). If anything, I'm very pleased to see that added so soon, for the genre and the existing RT's were just begging for accordion to be thrown into the pot cool
But, having said that (and on a more somber note now), there is still that feeling of dissolution from my 'UT-creator' perspective when your work is pretty much rendered obsolete like that by something far better. I mean, I was never going to compete with any proper RT, with the UT function still being as flawed and limited as it remains, let alone when they get nothing short of an actual champion for the job! crazy
But then, it's not like any of you fellow members were queuing up in line with that meagre buck in hand for my stuff anyway, heh. No, I've learned that this place has always had that strong "code of sharing", as it were, be it Usertracks, song files files, or basically anything else.
So I don't know. Maybe I'm steadily talking this thread into becoming just another nail in that UT coffin for me here, and maybe that's not all that bad either...or at least until the PG team shows a sudden renovated interest in the concept/feature and decides to actually bring it up to its true potential.

Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
It is obvious to me that you put a lot of work into your UserTracks and you rightfully should be proud of them.
Thanks for that vote of confidence, I won't dispute any of that smile

There's only one thing to do in crisis like this - Sleep on it!
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