Originally Posted By: jannesan
Really enjoyable melodic pop song, somewhere between Oasis and George Harrison, very good selection of instruments, I like especially the drumming, 'Indie Folk' describes the song very well.

Thanks, Janne!

I actually started out with the drum this time, and built the track around that. I really like the sound of that kit.

Nice chord changes, good lyrics and the message nicely crystallized in the ending section. Beautiful sounding vocals in the upper register.

But next time, I'll try to pay attention to what range I can actually sing in! crazy

The ending trumpet leaves a delicious dreamy after-taste.

Yeah, there's a ton of saxophone in BiaB, but I wish there was more mellow trumpet... and more flute, too.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?