Originally Posted By: 90 dB
How do I "check disc"? Regards,Bob

It just occurred to me....if you're on a Mac I may be totally talking out of school.
If you ARE on Windows:
In Windows Explorer - Right click on "C" drive
Select 'tools' from the tab selections
The first selection is "Error checking"
When you click it the prompt will state 'check disk will begin after next reboot.
NOTE: this is too check for disk drive errors only.

One more thing I'd check is my Windows "programs"
I'd make sure another program didn't get surreptitiously installed on your system unbeknownst to you.
One MORE thing....maybe see if there are available critical 'windows updates' and run them.

I'm not sure I'm helping you much.....but, here I am.

(I see Mario beat me to it....Hey Mario :))

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 07/14/18 07:32 AM.