Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
Originally Posted By: JoanneCooper
The first is from Anthony Robbins which is basically decide what you want and then go after it hell for leather (or "take massive action" in his words).

That's part of his formula.

It's actually...
-you need to decide and get VERY clear on what you want
-take massive action toward it
-notice if it is working or not
-adjust accordingly to get closer to your goal

In my opinion, most people are not clear on what they really want and/or never take massive action to get it. Of the few who do, then typically don't apply the rest of the formula. He even addresses this...

"“Running east looking for a sunset, I don’t care how positive you are, I don’t care how hard you work at it, it’s not going to work, it’s the wrong strategy.”
-Tony Robbins

He also says the way to speed up the process is to use role models.

In my opinion, many amateur song writers don't apply much of that at all. Here is the thing though, they may be fine with that. They may be doing EXACTLY what they want to be doing. So...all good by me. Personally, I'm really happy to see people enjoy their accomplishments. smile

I just find it hard to watch people, who want to improve, take the same actions over and over and can't figure out why they don't. If you do nothing different; expect the same results. (We all know the definition of insanity)

Hopefully helpful.

I have more than a little disdain for Tony Robbins. If he was honest he would tell people the way to become rich & successful is to launch a business like his where you claim to be able to teach people how to become rich & successful!

With that said I have read his books and he does have some good advice. I particularly like "Running east looking for a sunset, I don’t care how positive you are, I don’t care how hard you work at it, it’s not going to work, it’s the wrong strategy." But the implication one is left with is "dang, he's right, I've been running east when I should have been running west...that's my solution"! But it is ALWAYS far more complicated than that.

Guys like Robbins are not in the business of reality. They'll stand on stage and rally 10,000 people, get them to do exciting (but essentially useless) things like firewalking, and then send them back to their regular lives...temporarily motivated and a few hundred bucks poorer.

Guys like Robbins would never admit to their audience of 10,000 that there are only 10 slots available for whatever it is that is being promoted at that event. Nope, he will stand up there and try to convince everyone that they all have a shot if they'll just run west instead of east.

I understand why he does it. And, as I said, he has some great advice. But I find the entire process of getting rich by convincing people they are gonna get rich, when 99.9% of them will not, to be damn near evil!

Whoa, I got off on a "Tony Robbins is evil" rant! Well, your points are all good. And there is a lot to be said for showing up and giving it your best shot. And working really hard. And all that. But damn, I hate to see someone without hands paying good money for guitar lessons!