Originally Posted By: JoanneCooper
The second thing I would like to comment on is this concept of "if you are running east to look for a sunset then you have the wrong strategy". This seems very simplistic because how many of us KNOW for sure that we are running east or that the sunset is in the west? I am busy reading Walt Disney's biography and I think on most levels we would consider him a "success" BUT he certainly looked like he was running east looking for a sunset... most normal people would have given up years ago.

That's the point of that formula. You may not know which way is West. You take action, NOTICE if it is working, and CHANGE as needed UNTIL you get the result you want. Not that many people take action, those that do many times don't pay attention. Of those that do, many aren't willing to change. I've seen this first hand so many times it isn't even funny.

All of that being said, my comment wasn't meant to be about how great TR is or isn't. It was simply that you had left a bunch of important information out of what that formula actually is. It's not simply taking massive action.

If a cake recipe had 5 ingredients and you represent it as having a single ingredient...it's not going to be the cake. If that makes sense?

Anyway, I've explained my take on it. I personally think it's, as others have mentioned, a combo of both. I just also feel the success seldom will attack you on your couch in front of the tv. Diligence to craft, outcome, goal, "what you want"...whatever you want, is essential. Even if that diligence is "letting go an letting God." Do either half of that can be difficult.

As I've also heard it said before "God can't steer a parked car." wink

Interesting subject with some great and interesting responses. Best of luck in your pursuits!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.