Hi, all,

A few suggestions mostly to help lead sheets work better at the rehearsal:

1) Spots on leadsheet for composer, performance notes, style, etc., accesible in the same place as song title, just like Encore used to have. If the options are already there, they are not documented in the help file or online in FAQs and tutorials. It was one of the first things I looked for, and after an hour of searching and experimenting, I gave up.
2) Parenthetical chords for turnarounds. This will make a much tidier leadsheet for some songs where a 1st/2nd ending is really not warranted, since the melody is the same both times, just over different changes (I v. ii-V7).
3) More intuitive access to lower area of page for copyright info, instead of the Memo (e.g., copyright info should be in the same place as song title)
4) C and C with | through it for Common and cut-time; a stylistic desire, perhaps, but esp. with cut-time, the symbol is more commonly seen in some up-tempo tunes and communicates to the musicians very quickly that the tune moves.


-- Chris