Pipeline, it is scary to see that frustrations with GUI going so far and solutions that are offered are so alike....

I believe, that problem is that people who do programming are same people who design interface. In my expierence that is not a good combination for such tasks. For unknown reasons (other than friendship) Mr. Gannon keeps them on the team, where in modern world of software design they would have never (ever!) pass the interview for the job as front end designers.

I am 39. Relatively new (but not very young) BIAB user. I see 2 camps here.
"Give me back my Windows 3.1" team and "Time for a change team" For older users: big button "classic view", I respect that. But please do not enslave younger folks to your version of a "happy user".
P.S. It took me a lot of cuorage, but a few years back I made my grandma switch her rotary phone to dialtone set. It was not easy! I've done the dirty deed and threw her old phone out. She was upset for the rest of the day. Now, she is a happy girl. Uses it daily.