
OK... I'm working on nebulous... and obscure references... and unexplained symbolism...


You're starting to get it; but even gave me too much with your response. A simple "..." would have done it. Let me fill in what that meant. From there I can let you know if I'm offended.

You see, with the internet; there is even less of a need to clarify what you are intending. We all already know; which leaves no room for misunderstanding. I've found it to be the place where sarcasm especially well. It's the perfect form of communication, really.

Seriously though, you paint with your words. And the picture is perfect every time. Part skill, part art, part heart. That's a power combination. Really well done as always.

Last edited by HearToLearn; 09/13/18 05:53 AM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.