Bob, got where you stand. For the big following that BIAB has and with all the market at their fingertips, I have yet to find good reason why interface sucks and speed is so slow on my lightning fast computer... Except for greediness. This is my opinion.

Reading numerous posts, I got the impression that PG does not offer road map or even some distant promises. That I find a bit bitter and distasteful. That was/is approach of RIP greatest thief of all time Steve Jobs with millions of fan boys and girls, who like to be "surprised" and "amused". I would like to know before hand what I am getting into.

Besides technical questions that I ask, I am sorry if I offended you with my opinions. My biggest question which consolidates all others is: "DOES BIAB HAS A FUTURE"? or it is a dying dinosaur? I do not mind riding a dying dinosaur for few years, but I also do not want to invest endless hours in getting to know it very intimately if doctors pronounced incurable disease.

A simple 5 word reply from someone in "secretive" development saying: "we are working on it". (64BIT / modern GUI)
Should resolve most of anxiety smile
