Having used PG products for many years, I have to say that they are a decade behind in terms of UI design. I just picked up the upgrade for BIB 2010 and I'm really disappointed that the interface and workflow continue to suffer. This product has a lot of potential but it is handicapped by it's UI graphics and workflow which make it look and feel "cheesy".

I wish PG would study the likes of Ableton, Apple, Native Instruments, Cakewalk, Steinberg and Propellerheads and update their product interfaces. Infragistics makes a wonderful set of libraries that I use for creating applications that have a native Vista/Windows 7 look.

The whole feel of BIB feels very loose and awkward to me. As a musician (part time/hobby) I own all of the above listed products and when I use one of the above products and then switch to a PG product, I feel like I stepped back to the 90's. It's really too bad because it keeps PG products from becoming "Pro" level. Sure there are many people who use them and who have become accustomed to the antiquated interface but it keeps them from getting serious consideration and that is disappointing after all these years.

Dear Santa,

I would also like to see the DAW built into BIB so that your creativity is recorded within a single app.

I would like to see features like "Guitar Pro", tab editing, creating and reading, maybe even read GPX files.

The whole management of "styles" needs a rework. It's not intuitive.