
As Mike has said, the problem arises because a non-GM-MIDI synth has been added to the Melody track to play the HiQ sound.

To get the effect that you want, copy the Melody track to the Soloist track.


1. Set the Melody track to the HiQ sound.

2. Set the Soloist track to the Trumpet sound.

3. Right click in the middle of Bar 1 on the chord sheet and select "Bar Settings" (F5 is the shortcut key if you are using Windows BIAB).

4. Mute the Soloist track.

5. Right click on the bar where you want the flute to exit and the trumpet to enter and select "Bar Settings" again. This time mute the Melody track and bring the Soloist track 'back to normal'.

6. Generate the song.

Now it should work for you.


Audiophile BIAB 2024