Originally Posted By: David Snyder
It's like a Shakespeare play. The first time I had ever heard a real poem and a play set to music in 10 minutes.

It is probably the most brilliant piece of original cinematic songwriting I have ever heard, and I don't think anything else is on the same planet with it.

Mr. Synder...

Whoa! Whew! That's there's some electrifying, white-hot, noirish lyric-writing. It's as though Mr. Springsteen couldn't stop the words from forcing their way out his fever-dreaming brain and wild heart in a torrent of inspiration. And, yes, yes, the lyrics are as cinematic as all get-out.

Wow! Am I ever getting me some serious edu-ma-cation out of this thread! So be it. Let it be done! Thanks!


"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".