Well, after several hours work, I finally got BB 2010 loaded on the laptop, using the 26 physical discs. But, not without difficulties. Starting with sets 67-69 (white labeled discs---different coloring from those to this point), these sets didn't want to load. After many trials and rebooting, they finally worked. No problems until I got to that that particular set, with the same problem with each of the remaining ones. I was really hesitant to load 2010, since I've had such good luck with 2009.5 with no problems. Then, wouldn't you know it. I first went to the smooth jazz demos, which is one reason I upgraded. No real bass (green tab active), or very little to say the least. You can barely hear the bass on these styles by setting it at 127 and the other parts in the 80's or thereabouts. I've quickly checked some of the other styles, including my own tunes, and everything seems normal. My laptop is a high-end unit with 7200 disc speed. And BIAB is the only thing on the laptop. I may have to grow into 2010, since I'm not estatic yet. The load time is a little faster, but not what I expected based on the comments on the web site. Guess I was expecting blazing fast. I like those Previous and Next buttons at the top. They work nicely. However, I found that with the Jukebox playing, if you hit those buttons, the tunes play in reverse---i.e., Next plays the previous song, etc... I'm sure there's much to learn and I'm just scratching the surface.