I have struggled through untold difficulties this year, particularly emotionally (major heartbreak), but John Whitney has always been there to support and encourage me, even through my darkest hours. Thank you, John. His last email quoted 'no man is a failure who has friends'. Well, it seems I have many wonderful friends, here and on FaceBook.

Then a girlfriend (no connection to John and not knowing what John has written to me) happens to post a clip from YouTube...

Final scenes from 'Its A Wonderful Life'

All I hope is that somehow, in some small way, I have been able to help somebody via this forum

God bless you all - and YES, I want to live again

It's great to have friends. The friends I have on the PG forum are among the most precious of all

Merry Christmas!

Follow That Dream

Karaoke King


Turning that corner again - I have to keep following that dream, no matter what