Originally Posted By: rayc
Modern metal sounds abound.
As a matter of taste I think the guitars are a little too fizzy. If they've been run through sims that would be the most likely cause.

Actually, I did 0 eq, and 0 added anything beyond 1 run through a multi-band compressor. I had the intent of mixing it; then just decided not to and post it.

I think the kit sounds pretty good though the kick drum isn't EQ genre specifically - the flicked aluminium Milo foil thing. I MUCH prefer a kick with more thud & thwack and less click as you've done it.

I agree on the sound. I remember being in the studio a few times and having to tape quarters to both the beater AND the kick drum itself. THAT was different for me.

Again, I didn't eq anything but do prefer more than a "click" from my kick. wink

If you're into arranging then you probably do have an inherent sense about EQ as that's, largely, what arrangement is about - fitting the sounds together. You just need tools that allow you to work intuitively. Reaper's parametric EQ is cool.
Big niose - well done.

Yes, I very much try to think through orchestration's and arranging's play on EQ. Being I really am not into mixing or mastering I appreciate that art BIG TIME. It's just really not for me.

Thank you so much for listening and commenting on the specifics. I love when people really give a listen and suggestions. The knowledge you and others have is always so helpful. Thank again!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.