To immediately repair the cracks in the skin, I use cyanoacrylate - otherwise known as super glue. Also helps to keep the problem from getting worse. The best stuff is Loctite Black-Max, as it is a rubberized cyanoacrylate. Remains flexible, but keeps the two sides of the cracks bonded together. Technique is as follows:

1. put pressure on the crack so that it closes at the surface of the skin.
2. Apply drop of super glue directly over the area with the crack
3. Wipe off excess onto paper towel.
4. Allow to cure for recommended time

If you use the Black Max stuff, your fingertips are going to look like an auto mechanic that doesn't wash too often. You've been warned.

Works a treat. Surgeons use superglue in place of sutures quite often, so I'm told. I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV,