Thank you, Andrew. Silly Apple, ok, I won't take the time literally.

I threw everything into the trash, did it again, left the room for several hours, came back and it looked complete and the Installer didn't freeze.

So, there are 6210 styles total? I listened to an interview on a FB group with the person who is the voice of the videos. I thought he said a number that was a 7,000.

Now I need an up-to-date tutorial. I know there are a lot but some go back to when it all looked DOS-y.

For example, now the program is dark and gray. I know Mac, when it is night outside and hard to see, likes to have a dark mode so it is dark and hard to see on the screen also, but I would rather see. I went to Help and it only pointed me toward the Mac itself in its dark mode. The chord sheet is dark and the chords are a dark gray. I think some designer is laughing their head off at me right now. It is not polite to laugh at old people.