I came into BIAB with a pretty good understanding of music theory.

Scales, intervals, chords, chord building, modes, arpeggios, diatonic progressions, circle of fifths, Nashville Number System, etc. I'd studied bunches of Mel Bay books, dozens of Homespun courses on different instruments but mainly guitar, learned to read music in standard notation, learned to play enough piano so I could help my son with his piano lessons, graduated from the school of hard knocks by playing with people who were better than me so I had to "step up" my skills and develop my ear and improvisational ability. I'd been writing songs for almost 20 years. I'd also built my own computers for a couple of years before before I first got BIAB.

What I didn't come into BIAB with was a lot of spare time. I had an 8 or 9 year old son that I was definitely wasn't going to sacrifice time with to mess with BIAB, a wife that rightly expected a lot of time and a very demanding job that required a lot more than 40 hours a week. Last of all, I wanted to play my guitar in whatever time I could squeeze out from all of my other duties.

Jumping forward, (I'm rambling), I gave up on BIAB in 2013 after repeated attempts to get them to fix the incorrect notation of bluegrass and acoustic styles as 16th notes instead of 8th notes.

Peter Gannon promised to address it in the next update a couple of months ago. I hope he's able to do so and then I'll upgrade now that I have some free time to mess with it.