One of the commonly disputed topics in society and politics is whether a nation should seek to...
"level the playing field"
"redistribute resources"
"mandate equality"

There are compelling reasons for and against both sides of this argument.

I think that the search for equality is diametrically opposed to the search for excellence. We just marvelled at the performance of the world's olympians. They are anything BUT examples of a society that promotes equality... they are examples of kids who were singled out at an early age as being DIFFERENT, and then those differences were cultivated into STRENGTHS.

On the other hand, the best example of achieving equality is mowing the lawn. THe only way to get all your grass at the same height is to penalize the fast growers. THat doesn't make the short grass higher, except by comparison.

What are your thoughts about the wisdom of a national policy of EQUALITY? Does it undermine excellence? When all kids get an A on their reports at school so nobody is discouraged, what is the net result of that? (I am sure they olympians are not treated that way as part of their rigorous training)
