i feel compelled as a human being to comment bout certain topics in this thread.
(post is not addressed to anyone in particular.)
1. here in canada several hundred thousand manufacturing jobs have
been lost. ive talked to some of these people.
theyve worked hard all their lives and been "excellent"
and committed in their jobs. but thru no fault of their own they
have lost their jobs. and many are probably looking at welfare.
dont you think they deserve help when they need it ??
and have paid and paid all their lives ??
with their sweat and their taxes ??
why did canada loose so many manufacturing jobs ??
answer, cos our daft government has never implemented
a proper industrial strategy.
as i told my mp recently...
"no wonder you have a jobs problem..
everything is imported".
i perceive the USA and britain have the same problem.
2. lets talk about welfare for a moment.
the way some people talk , its like welfare folks receive a fortune.
it could be argued that certain european countries are quite generous.
but here in canada rates are paltry and hardly cover rent for example.
thus here in canada are lots of examples of homeless people.
a sorry state of affairs if you ask me in a supposedly advanced
country like canada. in the uk where i was born ..
there is a basic rule "everyone gets housing".
thus as i said in some ways europe is more generous in its social programs.
ive heard switzerland for example.
in summary nobody gets rich off welfare.
3. think on this...have you ever thought that some governments
purposely like high unemployment rates ??.
economists ive talked to have told me its to keep the
masses "malleable" and "undemanding".
govts are quite capable of creating low unemployment
rates ..IF THEY WISH TO. but some dont.

all i'm saying is..step back a bit before ragging on people
on welfare or the poor. cos there are many reasons why it might not be their fault.
(eg the manufacturing losses mentioned in point 1.)
the USA i'm reading about has had loads of job losses too.
(and britain also.)
ask any tecchie...and the answers as to why are simple...
britain, canada, and the USA have lots of what i would term
"old victorian style industry" plus currencies held too high
vis a vis some other currencies. all 3 countries need nothing less
than a top to bottom implementation strategically of what i might term
"future world beating industries". untill that happens the current
deplorable situation will continue.
for example the only jobs our crazy federal govt here in
canada can seem to create is low wage coffee shop jobs..
dotted across the country at 8 buks an hour.
none of the three countries mentioned seems to have a
strategy for building decent wage paying jobs.

frankly i'm just glad my wife n i are retired..
even tho the pensions arent rich.
just adequate.

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