
my theory is manufacturing moved to the far east
due to big picture western govt geopolitics.
ie..western govts were concerned bout millions of people needing jobs
in the far east.

Nah, that's not it.

One year, in order to get my bonus, I had to reduce the costs of our organization. So I fired a couple of people and had the remaining workers work harder. Cost reduced and I got my well earned bonus.

The next year I had to further reduce costs. So I decided to buy the resources we need to produce not from our local dealer, but import it from a far east country. Cost reduced and I got my well earned bonus.

The year after that, yet further cost reduction was needed to max our profit. So I fired all production-workers and replaced al production to far east countries. Cost reduced, profit went up and so did my bonus.

Another year has come, yet profits needed to go up again, so I fired all IT-staff and the tele-marketeers and had that work also outsourced to far east countries. Profit went up as did my well earned bonus.

Need I continue?

No, of-course I am not that manager: I couldn't face myself anymore if I would have fired people in order to secure my own bonus. But this is exactly the way things go. All too often you read that a company "had to" fire a lot of people and, in the same book-year, announce the highest profit to date!

And now look at yourself! How many of you people buy from online stores instead of your local store in order to save a few bucks? Do you realize that the shop-owner may have to let people go in order to survive due to the decreasing number of people that but their stuff? Do you realize that internet stores are able to keep prices lower than regular stores because of they have no need for skilled sales personnel and no need for an expensive store in a commercial area? Do you realize that a lot of people ask for advice at their local store and test equipment at the local store and then go order it at an online store? Placing the cost with the local store and the profit with the online store.

And what do you think buying your groceries as cheap as possible will do to your local economy? Will the farmer that provides the milk be able to keep his pants up when he has to sell his milk under cost-price? Do you think your meat will be from your local farmers if that meat has to be sold way under cost-price?

Greed is the main reason why we have economically harder times right now. Greed by the top managers, greed by the middle managers and greed by consumers. Go figure

* end of rant *

Last edited by Mike sings; 03/17/10 10:10 AM.