Originally Posted By: Dewey_MI
Just curious as to how important the lyrics are for those that use BIAB to compose original songs. How do you rate the importance of lyrics and what methods do you use to improve on writing lyrics (e.g. songwriting books, song evaluation services, BIAB forum, etc.)?
Do you write, re-write, and re-write until you've beaten every line (aka, made it the best it can be)?

For me....

Non-cliche subject matter, well fleshed out lyrics with good story line are paramount in my writing drivel....always has been.
It may take me weeks to finish the lyrics to my satisfaction, sometimes less.
The only method I've used to, as you say 'improve', is to keep writing.

Sometimes the music comes first and I'll write on a subject that I feel fits.
Sometimes the subject comes first and I'll develop the music that fits the subject.
Like most here, I've written from all approaches.

Many of my songs reflect personal experience and several are written just using my imagination.

I write because it's creative therapy for me.
I prefer to write alone....but I have collaborated on a few in the past.
I have no illusions that what I write is a masterpiece or that it will have any mass appeal.
I don't write love songs, or about political angst/protesting subjects and mentally tune out when I hear one. (just personal taste)
That writing approach alone ensures I'll never have mass appeal. smile

If any of my peers here or elsewhere give my songs a listen and comment favorably....that works for me.

The only 'evaluation services' I've ever used is on this forum and one other music forum. (https://www.tdpri.com/forums/)

I wish all good luck with their music/song writing endeavors.
Did I ever mention 'this song writing stuff is not easy'?

Carry on....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 08/10/21 10:22 AM.