Originally Posted By: Notes Norton
At $2.50 per song,
  • the Broadway Disk (#29) would cost $2,050.00 in royalties alone, before charging for our work.
  • The Country Disk (#13) would cost $1,750.00,
  • my best-selling Jazz disk (#5) would cost $1,562.50,
  • and the disk that goes with The Real Book (#37) would be $1,000.00
  • plus the charge for our work, our overhead and the silent partners (shopping cart, Visa/MC merchant's account, authorization company, bank, etc.)

I don't think I'd sell many e-disks at that price.

Insights and incites by Notes ♫

Yes at quantity those are quite expensive. Most of the midi shops charge from 5.99 to 8.99 and even more for a single song. midi-hits will make a custom track for you for $99!!! So it is expensive way to go. I don't think anyone would want you to do these whole books and really the individual tracks are all already covered by these other vendors so you would be competing with them and they are already entrenched.

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.