Hi Scott, Ray, Mario and TuneMonger,

Thanks a lot for listening and your reply on my song. I appreciate that very much.

I feared the song might have been a bit too dramatic, but after reading the posts I admit I was wrong on that.

Originally Posted By: Scott C
Lovely intro Hans. Just loved the lyric. Super vocal. Backtrack was very cool. Excellent choice of instrumentation. Well done...

Hi Scott, thanks! Especially about the lyrics.

Originally Posted By: rayc
This is a really nice progression along with a lovely melody and narrative.
at the 0.17/8 point there's a very rough edit within BIAB of the piano chords...it's happens a coupe of times more after that one.
It's often difficult to over come but would be worth the effort as a) it's pretty naked in the intro and b) the progression is really nice.
Your vocal is still a little harsh in spots, as mentioned some time ago, but not off-putting.

Nice package, the strings add their sweetness well.
Good work!

Hi Ray, thanks as well for your nice comment, also on the narrative. After your post I had changed the song a bit. I renewed the singing part and I rendered the first piano a couple of times to get what it is now. But beside the renewing of the piano I didn't hear what you wrote about it. Floyd also mentioned some glitches in the pianotrack, while he listened to the newer version. So they still have to be in it. But I don't hear any of this, nor did I read complains about it from others. On the contrary, some said to leave it as it is. And that is how I feel about it too. Also about that 'naked' part...
But keep telling me what I can improve in my songs. I need that information.

Originally Posted By: MarioD
I really like this one. Super job with that piano and the chord progression. The lyrics are top notch for sure and your vocal was very good, as was your mix.
It was very refreshing hearing a piano as the main instrument. Extra praise for that!
Thumbs up.

Hi Mario, what a nice comment! And what a wonderful mark I got on the lyrics. Thanks!

Originally Posted By: TuneMonger
Liked the emotion in your singing, it made the song for me. Good lyrics. I felt the piano solo was a little sparse, but it was short, so no big deal. Good work!

Hello TuneMonger, Thanks for these nice words and the qualification of the lyrics! I think you've heard the first version of the song, in the second version the piano wasn't sparse (in my opinion). So, I listened :-)

I hope you all have a nice weekend,

Hans Berkhout