Not so long ago, I recall a forum member having issues and the problem turned out to be related to incorrect midi guitar performance data. The user had not entered any value but somehow an incorrect value was present.

My theory is that unknown things like this happen from time-to-time. Maybe these events are due to power surges, a combination of key strokes, or just some electronic or programming glitch. If these happen, and the unknown and unwanted event is saved with a songfile, it might create problems. Because the event is unknown, it's almost impossible to find it and solve the problem, if one arises. This is what I call a "corrupt" songfile.

Jim Fogle's advice about using Realband to strip away unwanted information, and create a modified songfile, has worked for me a number of times over the years. I haven't tried it with BIAB/RB 2021. It will be interesting to see if it helps solve the problem.

Audiophile BIAB 2024